This Category exists for actual rituals. Some rituals may also be filed under Classes about Magic or Thelema, however this is for actual Ritual scripts and or exhibitions or recordings of actual ritual.
LBRP in 5 minuti!
Ispirato alla versione breve si Soror Brianne pubblico per gli utenti Italiani il LBRP in 5 minuti
Stregheria Italiana: La celebrazione della Befania, antico folklore Italiano.
Celebrazione della Befania, un vecchio rituale della Tradizione Stregonesca Italiana. Una festa in passato dedicato alla Dea Diana, divinità delle messi.
About Sex Magic
The sexual act is perhaps the most powerful and pleasant method that brings us closer to the primordial and the divine. From the tantric mysteries of Hinduism, Buddhism and the inner alchemy of Taoism to the traditions of Western Magic and witchcraft, sex permeates the highest and most secret teachings around the world.
Priory of Horus & Maat – Thelemic Yule Online Ritual
A Thelemic online ritual for Yule, an ancient ritual of Italian witchcraft for the birth of the Sun God.
Liber DCLXVI – A Thelemic Mass
The Mass shows a radical adaptation of the ritual to a more modern presentation and concept, acting as a core demonstration of ways in which inspired individuals can produce new concepts to be adopted into the official body of liturgy.
A Triune Mass for Thelemites – A Thelemic Mass
Commissioned as one of several core rituals to make available, ready to run, to Clergy of the Ecclesia Gnostica Heterodoxa the intent was to produce a modernized and simplified Mass, specifically with an eye towards presentation to people who have no standing knowledge of, or affiliation with, Thelema, and accessibility to relative newcomers
Templum Tu’at Productions – LBRP by Brienne
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram performed by Brienne of Templum Tu'at Priory.
Templum Tu’at Productions – Star Ruby by Brienne Larkspur
Star Ruby performed by Brienne of Templum Tu'at Priory