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The Thelemic Order

An Organization and Church, incorporated in the U.S. State of Delaware. Federal EIN 84-3433327.


TTO is a network of peers who respect each other and the other people working to create a better, wider, more powerful Thelemic Community. TTO provides Local Group Leaders with training to help create a safer environment, and ensure we all have the tools to model consent and create a strong consent-based environment. We encourage other Leadership training, including Volunteer Management, and other administrative skills to make the burden of running a small NPO lighter, leaving more time for the things that motivate us!

Group Building Made Easy

Everything you need to know to Charter a Group in TTO. We recommend going through the Group Building Presentation before starting with the Forms and Resource Links below. 

It is not the goal of TTO to create any uniformity of experience across its Groups.  We are not the McDonalds of Thelema, and we do not purport to guarantee that when you walk into a Group in one place you will get an experience similar to that in another.  This may mean that some bodies are not good experiences for a given individual.  It also allows for the growth of joy, expression and the beauty of local tradition and custom.  We find it ironic that Thelemites would criticize the Roman Catholic Church for destroying the vast diversity of European local traditions, then would seek to do the same thing in their own faith.  We hope that every Group of TTO has something good and joyful to offer.  We are certain that allowing the growth and ready exchange of ideas and practices is more conducive to beauty and joy than the doctrinaire insistence that everything be done according to the dictates of a few individuals, however perfect their vision may seem to themselves We are concerned, principally, about two things.  Safety and Consent. We seek to avoid the exaggerated pretense of Safety, underwritten largely by wishful thinking and not thinking too hard about the realities of what we are doing, that is so often the fruit of Non-profit obsessions with liability and lawsuits.  Our founders come from a background which values ordeal, and risk awareness. We seek to teach risk awareness, while encouraging our members to gain real life skills which will help them to cope with emergencies when they do arise. Our intention is to create places that are safe because people value expertise, learn what they are doing, and manage risks well.   In regards to Consent we do not wish to see a return to the “bad old days” in which risk and excitement were paired with irresponsibility and nonconsent.  In forty years, literally thousands of alternative sexuality communities and groups across the US have developed the ability to conduct themselves in extreme ways while maintaining consent and responsibility.  In most cases these people had no manual other than a basic awareness of how consent works. If a multitude of kink clubs can operate across the country every year, with few incidents, we find it puzzling that a church cannot consider blindfolding someone without panic.
How complicated is starting a Group?

The Building a New Group with TTO Guide on this page offers a good overview and simple steps to Chartering a Group.  It’s not really very hard and the resources you need are all on this page.  

Still, you do have to learn a few things.  Many other Esoteric Groups allow you to open a “Chapter” of some sort in a one step process.  They hand you a rulebook you may or may not read.  The thing to understand is that you’re not really becoming a Group Owner, just accepting an office from them.  Your group has legal structure because they give it legal structure.  Your group has rules because they are the rules of that group.  

And what they give they can take away.

TTO Guides you in building your own group.  That Group is an Affiliate of TTO, but through an agreement.  TTO cannot take away your Group, only your affiliation with TTO.   That means the TTO needs to deal with all Group Leaders from a position of respect. 

TTO is committed to building leaders, not followers.  

Public v. Private Groups

Most Groups of TTO are assumed to be, at core, private.  They are organizations or partnerships of individuals who have chosen to operate as a group and have chosen to affiliate under the TTO aegis.  With respect to that, TTO has comparatively little control over those Groups, nor does it wish to.

TTO can be looked on more as a “network” than a top down governing organization.  We are not looking to “replace” other top down Thelemic organizations, but rather to provide an alternative method by which Thelemites may organize and find community.

Members more familiar with the Masonic Lodge concept may find it unusual that Local Groups are, primarily, private entities which are effectively affiliates of TTO.  In practice many denominations operate in this fashion, particularly many Protestant Christian denominations in the United States and abroad.

Put differently, the goal of TTO is not to build an empire of its own Groups, but rather to provide resources to numerous independent Groups, allowing them to benefit from a shared identity.

Private Groups which do not perform initiations under their own authority are not required to incorporate, however as affiliates Local Masters applying for a charter as an unincorporated association must understand they may be personally liable for debts or liabilities in most US States.  California, for example, places some limitations on liabilities of members of unincorporated associations. An understanding of the concept of unincorporated associations, and their tax and liability status, is suggested.

What does TTO Offer to Local Affiliate Groups?
  • Provide resources for Training to promote 
    • Safety
    • Consent
    • Excellent Volunteer Leadership
  • Provide publicity for upcoming events through 
    • Publications and announcements to Membership
    • International Calendar
  • Offer best practices for event and ritual organization
  • Access to a training system for Clergy, including mentorship
  • Provide an international network of Thelemites interested in the work of other Thelemites, willing to provide
    • A ready audience for your events
    • Mentorship in event planning
    • Mentorship in dispute resolution
    • Guidance and advice on seeking non-profit incorporation and 501(c)(3) status
Can my Druid Grove, Wicca Coven, Satanic Temple, Indie Band etc. be a TTO Group?
Yes.  Because being a TTO Group is an affiliation, you are not required to give up your group’s existing identity.  Your Charter from TTO does not preclude any other aegis you operate under. You may use TTO branding and the specific TTO terms as you like. 
  • Fading Light, an Eclectic Wiccan Coven and Temple of The Thelemic Order
  • Black Star, a Satanic Temple and Priory of the Thelemic Order
  • Orphic Revelation, an initiatory Group affiliated with TTO
More information is available in the Branding Guide.
Group Leadership Icon

Building a New Group

TTO does not believe in a “one size fits all” group model.  Our affiliates range in size from small family groups, or local circles, to large regional groups.  There is no pressure to grow for growth’s sake, or conform to one model.  

Provisional Educational Requirements

The Educational Requirements for Group Leaders can be found on the TTO Education Page.

Reporting Requirements for Group Leaders
Annual Financial Disclosure (Public Groups Only)  – due March 1 in the year after the fiscal year being reported.  This must include a list of all monetary income and expenditures. The names of donors should be withheld. Any payments made directly to members of TTO must be reported with the exception that. Simple reimbursement for purchases or transactions clearly reported, for which receipt or other evidence of purchase was provided, does not need to be detailed.  e.g. if Sib. Pink purchased groceries, which are listed as an expense, and was reimbursed directly from a receipt, no report is necessary.  However if the Group purchased ten candles at $15 from Sib. Pink, reporting is necessary.
What does TTO Offer to Local Affiliate Groups?
  • Provide resources for Training to promote 
    • Safety
    • Consent
    • Excellent Volunteer Leadership
  • Provide publicity for upcoming events through 
    • Publications and announcements to Membership
    • International Calendar
  • Offer best practices for event and ritual organization
  • Access to a training system for Clergy, including mentorship
  • Provide an international network of Thelemites interested in the work of other Thelemites, willing to provide
    • A ready audience for your events
    • Mentorship in event planning
    • Mentorship in dispute resolution
    • Guidance and advice on seeking non-profit incorporation and 501(c)(3) status
Responsibilities of Local Groups

These are responsibilities that every group has, whether they are affiliated with TTO or not, however we enumerate some of them here for clarity.

  • Obtain any necessary permits, clearances, or insurance for their own events
  • Responsible for planning and executing their own events, including all set-up, promotion, staffing, and financial liability.
  • Are responsible for complying with all local state and IRS obligations
  • Conduct its own banking, under its ow

The Basics – What we require of every Local Group

  • Training and Continuing Education – Local Group Leaders must be current on mandatory Safety and Consent Training and maintain mandatory Continuing Education.
  • Membership – Local Group Leader must be at least a Corresponding Member of TTO
  • Effective Communication of Policies
    Whether through handouts, posters, verbal explanation, website, or social media, Local Groups must effectively communicate their required polices to all Officers and Members.  Visitors to a new Group should be able to easily find and reference all policies of that Group
  • Consent Policy – A boilerplate consent policy is available. Consent Policy must be reviewed by the Inspector General.
  • Alcohol and Entheogen Safety Policy – resources to insure that the use of any substances is conducted safely.  If a local group makes use of enthoegens either because they are unscheduled, or because they are legal in a given locale, policies for their safe use must be included in the Safety Policy.   A boilerplate Alcohol Safety Policy is available.
  • Photography and Video Policy – individual Groups may set their own policies on photography and video, however it must be on file and available to their membership.
  • Signed Charter Agreement, including Indemnification – with great autonomy goes great responsibility. If the TTO is not going to police local events and second guess local leadership it is also not fair for the International body to bear the burden of poor local judgment.
  • Indemnity – Local Groups agree in accepting their Charter to indemnify and hold TTO harmless from and against all losses, damages, attorney’s fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in connection with, or in the defense of, any claim or action or proceeding arising out of or incurred in connection with their activities or events.
  • Use the branding guide provided by TTO and observe any rules or guidelines for how and when the TTO logo may be used
  • Reporting – various activity reports are required annually or periodically.  The TTO website and mailing list will provide additional guidance. Local Masters are responsible for filing all reports through the TTO portal.
  • Validation of Affiliate Members – Affiliate Members have some standing in TTO.  Local Group Leaders are responsible for validating whether or not an Affiliate Member is currently a member of their Group in good standing, and facilitate communication between that member and TTO Leadership.
  • Support of Suspensions and Non-Member Bans – Individuals who are on disciplinary Suspension, or who have incurred a Non-Member Ban, particularly those put in place because of consent violations, may not attend any TTO event, even when it is co-sponsored with another organization, or organizations.  Local Masters must agree to uphold any such suspensions or bans. Holding a TTO Charter is deemed to make it impossible to sufficiently separate the business of an identically named entity which is not chartered,  If Alex Doe a member of Golden Sunrise Wicca Circle, and Temple of the Thelemic Order is under a Non-Member ban, they cannot be admitted to any event advertised under the Golden Sunrise Wicca Circle name, even if the reference to TTO affiliation is temporarily dropped. from misrepresentation or misbranding in ways which give the appearance that a Local Group has some function other than it does, or are the basis for any other misapprehension about the nature or legitimacy of a Local Group.
  • Additional Responsibilities – these items are common to all TTO Charters.  Some types of Charter carry additional responsibilities

Secular Honors

From time to time, usually on the occasion of the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee may select individuals for various honors of the Order General. Honors may also be bestowed directly by the General Assembly of the Members through a formal Proposal, voted on at the Annual Meeting.

Types of Honors and Awards

The Executive Committee may create regular or occasional awards or decorations to distinguish merit or service in any area.  Recognition of service is not limited to service done directly for the Order, but may also include outstanding service in our many wider communities.  


Awards and Honors may be awarded to specific groups, but never reserved to groupings distinguished in the non-discrimination policy, e.g. “only awarded to men.”  Awards may be given for service to historically disadvantaged or underserved groups, e.g. “for service to Women in the Order.”  


Below you will find a list of currently available honors.

Order of the Key
  • Is typically awarded for administrative or charitable service
  • Does not need to be work or service specific to the order.  Outstanding contributions to our wider communities may also be recognized.
  • Secretaries General, and Inspectors General receive the honor of the Order of the Key as part of their installation.  
  • Membership may be bestowed by the Executive Committee
  • The Award of Commander may be bestowed by the Executive Committee
  • Knighthood is awarded in three ranks, generally sequentially, Member, Commander, and Grand Commander, abbreviated respectively O.K.M., O.K.C., and O.K.G.C.
Order of the Skull
  • Is typically awarded for magical or esoteric service, research, or excellence
  • Does not need to be work or service specific to the order.  Outstanding contributions to our wider communities may also be recognized.
  • Cancellarius of the Initiatory Arm receive the honor of the Order of the Skull as part of their installation.
  • Consuls of the Initiatory Arm receive the honor of Commander of the Order of the Skull as part of their installation.
  • Membership may be bestowed by the Executive Committee
  • The Award of Commander may be bestowed by the Executive Committee
  • Knighthood is awarded in three ranks, generally sequentially, Member, Commander, and Grand Commander, abbreviated respectively O.S.M.,  O.S.C., and O.S.G.C.

Library of Forms

Forms for Building a New Group

Forms for building your Group

Resources for Leadership and Incorporation

TTO Resources

TTO Branding Guidelines

<h3><strong>Leadership Resources</strong></h3>
CRFC Guidelines for Conducting Business Online – this Canadian organization produced and shared an excellent guide to how to conduct Executive Board business online.

Incorporation Resources – DIY Incorporation – If you’d like to handle incorporating directly, it will be cheaper and more time consuming. Start by searching “Secretary of State” your state’s name and “non profit incoporation.” Here’s an example page from Maryland.

Harvard Business Services– Delaware Incorporation.
You can incorporate in any US State. Harvard Business Services handles non-profit incorporations and registered agent services for Delaware Corporations for $179.  Delaware is a major center for incorporations, and even if you aren’t worried about taxes, there are reasons to incorporate under Delaware law. If necessary Harvard can also help you to file a Foreign entity registration (Foreign Qualification) for doing business in your home state.

Depending on your state and bank, you may need a Certificate of Incorporation ($99 through Harvard) to open a bank account. It’s probably cheaper to do the legwork yourself. The initial incorporators of TTO have handled four incorporations, including TTO, through Harvard, and received prompt, excellent, service. <em>TTO is not affiliated with, and does not receive compensation from, Harvard Business Services, Inc.

Harvard supplies boilerplate bylaws with its incorporations.  You can of course amend them, in part or in whole.

RocketLawyer – Claims to offer incorporations and only charge state fees, however we have not used their service and cannot speak to hidden costs. The company itself is reputable.

Do you know of another reliable service?  Let us know.</strong></em>

Priories or Houses

Priories are generally our smallest body, suitable for groups of Thelemites that share a household, business, or friendships.

Sanctuaries & Temples

Have Ordained Clergy as members, and perform regular rituals of the EGH, including Thelemic Mass.

Chapters & Lodges

Usually have ordained Clergy and also a Certified Initiator, and present at least the initial grade of the Thelemic Initiations.


Are open to all members, and provide all the basic elements of TTO. They are operated directly by the Order.

Priory or House