Thelema Discussion
Here you’ll find media discussing Thelema, focusing more on the system of religion or philosophy than on specific magickal practices. This may include discussion of Thelemic ethics, ideals, writings, personalities, histories or aught else.
L’Eone di Horus, una dottrina vicina alla celebrazione di Yule.
L'Eone di Horus, siamo vicini alla festa della nascita del Dio Sole. Ecco un testo interessante tratto dal testo "il cuore di Thelema" di Michael Staley.
TTO Khonsu Magazine
Free aperiodic newspaper of Khonsu priory, Order affiliated to the Thelemic Order and the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn
NellaNotizia Thelema in Sicily
Frater Ashtar, founder of the TTO-affiliated Priory of Horus Maat, discusses Thelema in Sicily and tells us about the philosophy of Thelema and the purpose of Man.English Translation